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Stay Strong Massage 1

I offer science based, holistic, remedial massage treatments which I believe to be the best way to treat muscular pain. 

Do you...


Miss sleep due to painful neck & shoulders?

Accept pain as "part of the aging process?"

Suffer with back pain?

Sit at your desk too long?

Always feel tension in your body?

Get sore after exercise?

Ever feel like a "reset"?


The answer is M.A.S.S.A.G.E.

Massage can help reduce pain and discomfort by relaxing the body and easing away the tension.

This is achieved through a variety of gentle techniques that address the issues you are experiencing.  




I offer a variety of different types of massage, although I trained as a Sports Massage Therapist, so use my knowledge of anatomy and how the body works, to make an assessment prior to commencing treatment.  

I offer treatment, tailored to your need or desired goal, which we discuss and plan together.



If you are unsure if massage treatment  is right for you, please ring or message me.


Rest assured, I don't treat anyone who I feel wouldn't benefit from a massage and I will refer you on to another professional, if I feel it is necessary.


I am able to refer clients for private imaging (MRI), if needed.


I also am very happy to work with medical professionals, GP's, Physios, Chiropractors , Osteopaths etc to achieve the best outcome for clients. 

Remedial Massage is designed for everyone, whether you are injured, in pain or you just want to have a routine, relaxing treatment, which targets sore joints and muscles. 


I treat clients with pain resulting from work posture; stiff necks, shoulders and headaches.  Massage can also be a useful tool with the symptoms of some long term illnesses.

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Where to find me

Hill House Farm, Farmington, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

GL54 3NH

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